Ann Maria G Vancoillie, real estate agency manager SERENUM, as responsible for this site web, puts at the disposal of the usuarios of Internet the presente documento, cuand @inalidad is to comply with the obligations established in Law 34/2002, of June 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and other applicable regulations, as well as providing information on the conditions of use .
In compliance with the duty of information regulated in art. 10 LSSICE, the following are provided the necessary data of the owner of the website:
The person who manages the services and the web domain is Ann Maria G Vancoillie with NIE Y4449198T, and professional address for these purposes at Calle Infanta Cristina, 36, de Benijófar, 03178, Alicante, contact email address
Any person, whether physical or legal, who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities, free or onerous, developed through this website assumes the condition of USER, and as such, through such access, undertakes to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions herein, as well as ́ as to any other legal provision that is applicable, thus obliging itself to make a correct useof the website. The user will beliable to Ann Maria G Vancoillie or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation.
Ann Maria G Vancoillie se reserva el derecho de realizar unilateralmente las modi@icaciones that it deems relevant in its portal, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and the services provided through it, without there being any obligation to pre-notify or make knownintor of the usorarios said modi@icaciones, entendiéndose como su@iciente con la publicación en el sitio del prestador.
The duration of the provision of the portal service is limited to the moment in which the user is connected to the website or to any of the services it provides. Therefore, the user, on each occasion that intends to use the portal, must carefully read this Legal Notice, since it and its respective conditions of use may be altered at any time. Therefore, the validity of the aforementioned conditions will vary depending on their exposure and will be maintained as long as they are duly published, until they are replaced by others.
The prthatntis condicio n diciones of use and navegación have as @inalidad regular the relación ent re the owner of the website , Ann Maria G Vancoillie, as a service provider, and the users who access, browse and enjoy the service offered.
The website provides free and open access to a large amount of information, services and data (hereinafter, “the contents”), whose property belongs to Ann Maria G Vancoillie or its licensors to whom the user can have access.
The user assumes responsibility for the proper use of the portal in accordance with the Law and these conditions, responsibility that extends to the registration necessary to access certain services and content provided. This registration involves the completion of the corresponding form, in which the user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all the data communicated and is undertakes not to provide false, fraudulent or unlawful information or documentation. As a result of the same, the creation of a password may arise that the user mustkeep diligently and in orderto keep. El usuario sera ́ el único rresponsible for the defective or inaccurate stations it carries out and the damages it causes to Ann Maria G Vancoillie or to third parties for the information it provides.
The user expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services offered by, in accordance with the provisions of the law, morality, public order and these conditions and, by way of example, but not limiting, not to use them for:
- Difusió contenidos delictivos, violent os, pornogr á@icos, racistas, x enófobos, ofensivos, de apologı́a to terrorism, which violate human rights or, in general, contrary to law or order public.
- Intentionally introducing computer viruses into the network or carrying out actions likely to alter, spoil, interrupt or causeerrors or damage to the physical and logical systems of Ann Maria G Vancoillie, creator of the website, or third parties; as well as hindering the access of other users to the website and its services through the massive consumption of the computer resources through which Ann Maria G Vancoillie provides your services.
- Attempt to access the email accounts of other users or restricted areas of the computer systems of Ann Maria G Vancoillie or third parties and, where appropriate, extract information.
- Violate the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as wellas disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that supposes a violation of the secrecy of communications and the legislation on protection of personal data.
- Impersonate the identity of another user, public administrations or a user, using their registration codes to the different services and / or contents of the website.
- Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way communicate públicamente, transformar o modi@icar los contenidos, a menos qu e is cuente with the authorization of the holder of the corresponding exploitation rights or this is legally permitted.
- Recabar d a tos con @inalidad publicitaria y remitir publicidad de cualquier clase y comunicaciones con @ines de venta u otr a de naturaleza comercial sin que medie previa request or consent.
Any breach of the clauses contained in this website (Legal Notice, Privacy Policy , Cookies Policy, as well as other content that imply obligations for the user) and in general of the legislation in force in Spain, will be communicated
immediately by Ann Maria G Vancoillie the relevant authorities, the latter undertaking to cooperate with them. In this case, the user will be liableto Ann Maria G Vancoilliand to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of these obligations.
Ann Maria G Vancoillie does not guarantee that its website complies, in whole or in part, with the laws of other countries. Therefore, if the user resides or is domiciled in any place other than Spain, and decides to access and / or navigate this website, he will do so at his own risk and responsibility, and must ensure that such access and / or navigation complies with the applicable local legislation where appropriate.
Ann Maria G Vancoillie is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from a denial-of-service attack , viruses or any other technologically harmful program or material that may affect your computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of the use of this website or the download of contents of the same or to which it redirects.
Todas las noti@icaciones y comunicaciones entre los usuarios y Ann Maria G Vancoillie se consider arán e@ cations, a todos los efectos, cuando se realicen a través de correo postal, correo electronic or telephone communication. Users should contact Ann Maria G Vancoillie by:
- Send by post to the following address: SERENUM, calle Infanta Cristina, 36, de Benijófar, 03178, Alicante
- Communication by telephone call to the telephone number: 688 797 316
- Send by email to the following address:
By using this website, the user implicitly accepts that most of the communications will be made electronically. For contractual purposes, the user consents to the use of this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that any communication sent to him electronicallycomplies with legal requirements .
The owner of the website undertakes to process the user’s personal data in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the matter. Specifically, it undertakes to apply the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, and in theRegulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016.
Todos los contenidos del sitio web, entre otros, textos, fotogr afı́as, gr á@icos, ima ́genes, icons, tecnologı́a, soft ware, links y dem a ́s contenidos audiovisuales, ası́ como su diseño gr a ́@ico and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to Ann Maria G Vancoillie without any of the exploitation rights over the user being understood to be transferred to the user.
same beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the web, and regardless of whether or not they are susceptible to intellectual property.
Likewise, all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are the property of Ann Maria G Vancoillie, without it being understood that the use or access to it attributes to the user any right over them.
Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, explotación, distribución , modi@icación, assignment or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the owner of the exploitation rights. Any use not previously authorized is considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.
To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as on any of the contents of the site w eb, el user deber á noti@icar dicha circunstancia a Ann Maria G Vancoillie attaching the relevant information.
In any case, Ann Maria G Vancoillie does not assume any responsibility regarding the intellectual or industrial property rights owned by third parties that are infringed by a third party or by the user.
The ann Maria G Vancoillie website may contain links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, over which it has no control. Therefore, once the user accesses the links of third parties and leaves the website, both this Legal Notice, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will cease to have effect, since the websites to which the user accesses are subject to their own policies.
Ann Maria G Vancoillie cannot assume any responsibility for the content that may aparecer en p a ́ginas de terceros, ni ga rantiza la technical availability , quality , @iabilidad, accuracy, amplitude, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of said links or hyperlinks. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections to third-party websites does not imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.
The information provided by this website is of a general nature and has an @inalidad meramente informativ a, sin que se g a rantice plename nte the access to all the contents, nor its accuracy, completeness, correctness, validity or timeliness, nor its suitability or used para un objetivo e specı́@ico.
Ann Maria G Vancoillie is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any naturearising from, but not limited to:
- List without order Errors or omissions in the contents. Ann Maria G Vancoillie does not guarantee that the contents will be permanently updated, nor that they will be free of any type of error.
- List without order Lack of availability of the portal. Ann Maria G Vancoillie is not responsible for any possible damages generated in the user as
consequence of failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks thatsuppose the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the website, since the operation of these networks depends on third parties.
- List without order Presence of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents that may alter the computer systems, electronic documents or data of the users, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to prevent it. It is up to the user, in any case, to be provided with adequate tools that protect him against harmful computer programs.
The relations established between Ann Maria G Vancoillie, owner of the website, and the user is governed by current Spanish regulations and the resolution of any possible controversy that may arise will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals. s of the city of Torrevieja.